My name is Daniel. I began the snake diet after watching Cole’s YouTube channel June 22nd, 2018 weighing in at 248 lbs.
The before photos were taken as a selfie in the mirror which is why they are reversed. I also had my chest tattoo covered up with a new one. This is actually me!
Before starting the Snake Diet I was on blood pressure medication and took daily pills to control my gout since I was 18 years old. My father had just passed away from a heart attack and it was the wake up call to change my life.
I began with intermittent fasting and progressed into 48s then 72s into 7 days to break through plateaus. I fast every day with OMAD and do one 48 hour fast every week. No sodas or artificial sweeteners anymore, they weakened my discipline. When fasting for more than 24 hours I only consume snake juice.
I went from 248 lbs down to 135 lbs in 8 months and have slowly added lean muscle mass with a set point of 145 lbs. My goal is to add 10 more lbs of muscle.
I am 35 and off all of my prescriptions. My blood pressure is normal and I have not had gout in over a year. Sober from alcohol for 13 months.
Thank you Cole!