GW:5-8% body fat
My name is Yaseen Squires.
I lost 35 pounds in a month on the snake diet. Started off with a 48, 72, then went to the sauna on a 2 day dryfast and immediatly jumped into a 48 hr snake juice fast. Made a crazy transformation from this in just 9 days lost over 20 pounds. Fasting helped me break all my addictions including smoking, drinking and made me feel amazing, happy even smarter. I never realized how sick and mentally foggy I was til I detoxed. Fasting gave me new life. I was fairly lean after the 9 days so I’ve been doing 1 meal a day to loose the remainder of the weight. The snake diet is a tool that empowers you to make healthier decisions! I barely even worked out this month. You can’t workout to fix a shitty diet!